Expanded Theories & Removing Incentive to Sue You

In recent years, courts, state legislators, and clever trial attorneys have dramatically expanded traditional theories of negligence. As stated, negligence means a failure to exercise the proper degree of care. The question is what is the proper degree of care? How...


Looking for Someone to Blame In addition to liability for contracts, individuals and businesses face potential lawsuits for negligence. You will be considered to be negligent if a party is injured or his property is damaged because of your failure to exercise...

Oral Contracts: An Abyss for Deep Pockets

A contract is formed any time two people make an agreement to do, or not to do something. Certain types of contracts, involving commercial transactions, must be in writing in order to be valid. But most contracts do not have to be written. A promise that you make is...

The New Deep Pockets

The new targets or the new Deep Pockets are those who have saved up some money for retirement, those who operate a successful business, and those who own a home or have some rental property with any equity. This number is a lot less now than it used to be. Real estate...

The Appeal of Settling

When a lawyer threatens to sue you, he is exploiting all of these facts about human nature. He knows that the outcome of the case will be uncertain regardless of the merit of the case. He knows that if you have reachable and collectible assets, the risk of loss will...

Protecting Assets Against Unexpected Medical Expenses

This article was written prior to the Affordable Care Act but the risk of loss to patients from unexpected medical bills remains the leading cause of financial disaster. To protect assets from unexpected medical bills we will provide you with a a free Plan Design and...