Exclusive Legal Representation For Your
Asset Protection Planning Needs

Asset Protection

Estate Planning

International Tax

Business Planning



Exclusive Legal Representation For Your
Asset Protection Plannings Needs

 Asset Protection

Estate Planning

   International Tax

    Business Planning

What Is Asset Protection?

Asset protection is the specialty area of the law that addresses key financial concerns. What are the best ways to organize one’s business and financial affairs to minimize liability and lawsuit risks? What options are available to insure that accumulated wealth and future earnings are insulated and shielded against potential loss.

Asset protection typically begins with a through evaluation of the business and personal liability risks faced by our clients. Much asset protection planning is devoted to organizing and reorganizing business structures and advising clients how to take full legal advantage of the limited liability protection available through the proper and creative use of available strategies.

Accumulated personal assets, including business and real estate properties and other investments should also be protected from liability risks to the greatest extent possible. Sound estate planning principles should be applied to create an integrated personal plan to minimize business risk and protect personal assets from sources of potential liability.

Our site is intended to provide a detailed and comprehensive discussion of the important legal and practical implications of asset protection planning. In the Asset Protection Law Library and in our blog the latest cases, legislation and issues are presented. What is asset protection? Who needs asset protection? What strategies have we developed for our clients and what results have been achieved over the years? These are some of the questions specifically addressed.

We also make available for a free download a copy of our most recent book Asset Protection for Physicians and High-Risk Business OwnersThe book provides, in clear direct, layman’s language, the asset protection strategies designed to shield business assets from liability risks, shield the family home and savings from future claims, illustrate with real life examples the proper use of asset protection planning, the pros and cons of domestic versus offshore asset protection and how to best keep assets private and protected.